West Coast Swing Work Shop
At the end of the workshop, the dancer will be able to do:
1 Count the 8 beat rhythm for the basic whip
Leader: Execute the footwork for the basic whip
Lead the follower throughout the basic whip
Lead the follower throughout the Inside and Outside Turn of the basic whip
Follower: Execute the footwork for the basic whip
Follow a properly led J-Hook lead on count #2
Understand a coaster step on counts #3 #&
Maintain connections at key locations throughout the whip
Execute a proper Anchor Step and maintain connection on count #6
2. Perform 4 or more basic whip variations:
3. Exposure to over 10 basic whip variations with an understanding of whip variation principles.
Expectations for the workshop
Please know that you will change partners often throughout the workshop
The class instructor will us multiple whip variations and styles with an understanding that the goal is to learn the basic whip principles outlined in the above section, not every exercise executed throughout the workshop.
A written curriculum will be provided via Word Document, including video link to all materials covered in the workshop.
Course Content
Count and rhythm for WCS basic whip
Leader and Follower basic footwork
Leads and Follows to execute the basic whip
Basic Whip
Variations to the basic whip
Outside Turn
Inside Turn
Hand change behind the back
Crossbow Whip
Principles of basic variations to create various whip patterns
Hustle or Open Whip
Behind the back whip
Reverse Whip
Locked Whip